Sunday, June 6, 2010

More Hiking on the Rim

Didn't make it all the way that day; my foot hurt too much* and I picked up a bus at Mohave Pt. 4.8 miles, on hilly rocky terrain, in upper 80s, at 7000 ft. I start to wilt at 80. Phantom Ranch was 105. I am not even trying it this trip. Maybe late Sept...

I rested a day, then tried it again, starting in the morning and going from the Village Transfer Pt to Hermit's Rest, cleverly keeping the sun at my back (mostly).

Achieved Hermit's Rest
8 miles along the South Rim
Feet are now on strike.

It took 4 hrs, which was my best case scenario pace for that terrain, so I am pleased, though fried. My legs are no longer pasty white - more of a pale beige. And my elbows are remarkably brown (for me).

*I knocked a rock into my right foot a week ago, gashing it a bit and bruising the bone, I think. It starts to ache after a couple of miles, but is getting better.

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